20,00 Uhr


/ Artist Talk / Kino
Printemps Érable
Studentenproteste in Québec

Érik Bordeleau

The strength of Printemps érable-protests is rooted in anonymity. The movement allows the common to flow through dispersal, reaching into the solitude of each protester. Each one recognizes her situation in that of the others; affective resonance is transmuted to a point of fusion. Repression can only break up linear collectivities; here, at every turn, at every corner, the common returns in a swarm.

Still from Printemps Érable

In the wake of the Quebec student movement against tuition hikes an entire public mobilization has lead to a resurgence and insurgence of active political engagement of Quebec's population in spring 2012. The protests tie together not only problems of a culture of indebted men but also environmental and social issues throughout all strata of society. Insurgence is an expression, a movement of thought becoming a movement of felt sensation. Based on struggles against social isolation for the last decades Printemps Érable underline s contemporary transversal modes of activism beyond ideological boundaries making the complexity of relation felt in their emergence (y). Writer, theorist and activist Érik Bordeleau will show the film "Insurgence" followed by a discussion with the audience.

> Synopsis Insurgence

Posted by Delphine Chapuis Schmitz

17,00 Uhr


/ Personal Collections
Der Quartierfotograf
, Eugen Dahinden

Ein Diavortrag.

Eugen Dahinden (Jahrgang 1920) hat über 60 Jahre hinweg Veränderungen in den Luzerner Quartieren Seeburg, Würzenbach und Büttenen fotografisch festgehalten. Bereits seit Beginn der 1950-er Jahre im Quartier wohnhaft, begann er 1977 damit, die Umgebung systematisch zu dokumentieren. Ergänzend hat er aus privaten Fotoalben, Archiven oder aus Büchern Bildmaterial über die Quartiere gesucht und seinen eigenen Aufnahmen gegenübergestellt.
Daraus ist eine Sammlung entstanden die bildlich zeigt, wie aus einer ländlichen Gegend allmählich ein städtisches Aussenquartier entstanden ist.

Blick vom Balkon der Familie Dahinden, 1958 und 1990

Posted by Delphine Chapuis Schmitz